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You have a Facebook page representing your brand but would like to learn more about the techniques which could make your social media presence more profitable and popular? Then we are here to help you! Today we decided to provide a list of simple but experts-appreciated tips for better marketing of your Facebook page. In spite of the fact that these little hints are simple, they require some time and endeavors for implementation so you must prepare for some work.
But nothing comes without an effort, and when it touches upon your brand page performance improvement it’s not the time for being lazy! Are you ready to increase the level of your Facebook brand page marketing? Then go ahead and use the following tips!
1. Questions.
You must not be shy to ask questions. Ask your visitors and fans what they think about your page, about a particular product or service, which improvements should be introduced to enhance your page. You can ask questions directly in your feed, in private messages or using polls. Remember that promotional messages are not enough. You must engage with your audience and evoke two-way communications for which questions may be used.
2. Less automatic mode.
Try not to direct updates from your blog or Twitter profile to your brand page automatically. Of course, it is more convenient to have all services integrated and connected to each other but in terms of engaging your users such practice may not be winning. Users like it when they see a bit of personal approach, when you create live posts addressing to users in a peculiar way.
3. Share discoveries.
If you work on the Web thoroughly you see a tremendous amount of cool shares and inspirational material which may be also appreciated by your fans. So why not show it to them? Don’t fill your page with posts that relate to your business owners, try to give some value and place links to other helpful resources or services (of course, which are around your brand specificity). Sometimes you can use such publications for promoting your own products but in this way you must explain why it is effective, why it is helpful, etc.
4. Use feedbacks and testimonials.
It is cool when users leave feedbacks on your wall because it may describe your company as a professional one and let other subscribers know about the quality of your products and services. You can ask your customers to leave a message on your wall describing products they purchased, sharing their opinion about your company in general etc.
5. Add multimedia.
Users like checking out various content, not only links and posts you write. It means that you must also focus on multimedia content and share photos and videos which could attract the attention and amuse your page visitors while they are browsing your brand niche. You can publish either helpful videos with tips or some inspirational movies. Fortunately, YouTube gives you a lot of opportunities and, moreover, you can create your own videos as well.
By the way, it will be great to add a video with congratulations on some holiday and tag your fans, create a promotional movie where you present a new product etc. And don’t forget about photos which can also make your page more visible – share your products pictures, show your office (if you have something to show, of course), your staff. It can help you become more customers-friendly.
6. Stay active.
Having your page available for others doesn’t mean you’ve done your work well. No matter how great and unbelievable your page is if you are not active enough to keep it updated on the regular basis. You must actively post on your page, communicate both with fans and non-fans, do something to involve your customers into the collaboration. Unless you do it there is no reason for having a Facebook page of your brand.
7. Publish content that provokes in a good way.
Simple status updates are not too effective for letting your brand page take its place in Top News feed. The content you publish must be encouraging, provoke the viewers to click-through or to take part in the discussion. Every piece of content you publish must serve a purpose – to attract people and not only let them know that there is something new on your page.
8. React with tact.
There will be not only positive comments, and you must be prepared for that. There is no reason to be scared if someone talks about your brand or your page in a bad way and shares negative opinion. You must react on such issues with understanding and tact. First, tastes differ so you must understand that someone may not like what you are doing. Secondly, your company reputation is what matters so you must not use any insults and outrage.
9. Don’t over-update.
Regular updates are great but you don’t have to make tens of them per day. One or two catchy and engaging updates will be enough for a day but dozen of news will be too much. Give the users time to familiarize with publications and don’t overwhelm them with your feed.
10. Promote offline.
Promoting your Facebook offline is effective and easy. For example, you can create a visual ad, print your FB brand page URL on printed materials (brochures, business cards) and use any appropriate way to spread the word about your brand page offline.
11. Organize contests and give away.
You could hear about it before but it is always good to be reminded that contests require minimum time and effort from your Facebook page fans but are really effective for promoting it. Creating a sort of competition you will wake up your subscribers for a challenge and they will definitely appreciate it. Especially, if you are ready to share some valuable freebies as a reward. And don’t forget about offering some free stuff for a like or for any other reason you consider being beneficial.
12. Take timing into account.
Facebook is used by people all over the world and here a matter of time zones becomes important. You must take this aspect into account while posting updates and sharing information which is extremely important and must be seen by most of your page visitors. That is why sharing updates in one specific time is not recommended because some users may not notice them. Try to publish posts in the way people living in different time zones will see them.
These are the tips which may help you understand and improve Facebook brand page marketing. Using them you will be able to improve communication with customers as well as your page visibility and performance, and we hope you do so. The information we shared was gathered on the basis of experts’ opinion so you may be sure that these hints can really work for your success. Try implementing multiple techniques though it takes time – you will see then that this time was spent with great use!