Welcome Tab Installation Guide
You can set up a basic Welcome Tab for your Facebook Page by following simple steps below:…
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Don’t Fall For Fake Facebook Privacy Notice
A ‘privacy notice’ that’s been virally spreading on Facebook, supposedly protecting one’s personal details and data from unauthorized copying, is fake.
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What To Know When Including Google+ Into Your Social Media Marketing Plan
When Google announced that they would be releasing a new social media platform, heads turned. Yes, the same Google that completely missed the mark with Google Buzz not too long ago. Even so, people were intrigued and the hype surrounding the release was contagious. Then the invites went out. People quickly signed up while others awaited their own invites, circles were made, and statuses were updated.
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5 Tips for Creating Pinterest Images That People Love to Share
Do you want to get more from your Pinterestmarketing?
Are you looking to get more traffic, pins and repins?
If you want to make the most of Pinterest, you need to create images.
A great image can increase traffic, get you more pins and repins and improve your presence on Pinterest.
Here are 5 tips to help you create a Pinterest-friendly image.
9 Tips for Integrating Your Facebook Page With Your Facebook Profile
Do you have a Facebook Pageand a Facebook personal profile?
Are you trying to figure out how to work your business life into your personal life on Facebook?
Well, have no fear. I’m going to lay it all out for you and dive into some of the reasons the two sides of your Facebook life should be linked together.
You may also want to review your Facebook privacy settings to help you understand what’s visible on your personal profile.
Here are 9 tips for understanding how your Page and your profile work together.
Four Reasons It Pays to Have a Company Blog
More than 50% of consumers begin a search for a new business or service online. For that reason, almost every successful company runs a website that highlights its products and services. Having a strong online presence is absolutely essential in today’s economy.
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The Real Value of Facebook Isn’t Your Likes or Fans
These are all common questions from businesses looking to grow with Facebook. The problem is that they may be missing out on the bigger picture of Facebook. Sure, these things matter, but let’s face it, many of your customers don’t want to like you on Facebook (they just don’t care enough about you) and most of your fans have probably already done business with you.
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10 Hot Social Media Marketing Trends in 2012 You didn’t Know About
With the proliferation of social media networks, social media marketing has become important. Companies are allocating bigger budgets and hiring staff to manage their social media marketing efforts. Here are 10 hot social media marketing trends that you may not have heard about.
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How to Attract Customers With Pinterest
When used the right way, Pinterest can drive massive traffic to your website, build loyal communities around your brand and convert fans into buyers.
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Five Social Lessons for Small Business From Big Business
Social may democratize the marketing landscape, but big businesses still have the upper hand in terms of best-practices, simply because they have more resources to devote to new media.
What’s a smaller marketer to do to keep pace in the social space? Here’s some help.