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You can set up a basic Photo Contest on your Facebook Page by following simple steps below:
Step 1: Installation
- Visit this link https://younetmedia.com/photo-contest-detail.html and then, click “Install now” button
- Add one or more Facebook Pages for installation
- Select a specific Facebook Page to run a photo contest
- Click “Create a contest” to get started
- Contest detail:
- Input Contest name ans Description that shown on the Fan Gate as a default
- Voting restriction: optional requirements for voters in order to prevent cheaters
- Timeline:
- Select Time zone as the standard ones for your contest
- Input Name of contest phase
- Click “Calendar” icon to select Starting Date and Ending Date for each contest phase
- Entry form:
- Select “Showed” if you want to collect this kind of information from entrants
- Select “Required” if you want to set up this kind of information as obligation
- Fan Page settings
- Fan Gate settings: Upload an image as Fan Gate content
- Theme Settings: Upload an image as Banner content or input HTML to link to the content
- Share Content Settings: input Title, Discription and select image to upload in the content
- General Settings: input Google Analytics ID and emails for further data analysis
If you want to customize contest design or its functions on your demand, please contact us.